“Alternatives to the ecological challenges »
Last January 2014, at the town of Geneva, the Ecosocialist Group from solidariteS (Switzerland) organized the first Meetings called “Alternatives to the ecological challenges” (aka Ecosocialist Meetings). More than 200 people from different countries and social movements, unions and political parties gathered for the first time there, without knowing us to each other almost. But these Meetings gave us the chance to learn from the the other’s fights, to speak in a foreign but commun language. We could get in deep on key problems as the climate change, integrating the South vision and the vision from the women. We tried to make a picture of the different movements fighting right now against the system. In the end, we left some questions opened for a future meeting… And we, the Spanish activists that went to Geneva for the occassion, decided to take over the chalenge and organize the next Meetings, the ones we introduce you now. For that we will have all the support from our Swiss hosts.
It will take place in Madrid, from the 26 to the 28th of June, 2015. And you are all invited!! First, we would like you to sign this open call within this link. After that, we will make public the list of participants and go on with the organisation. In the meantime, you can follow the updatings on the Website or send us an email to
Call to the Second International Meetings
“Alternatives to the ecological challenges”
International Forum for social and energy transition face to the climate change, Madrid 26-28 June, 2015
We, militants from social and ecological movements, denounce that the military and civil use of the nuclear energy, the energetic model based on burning of fossil fuels that decreased every day, the carbon credit market, the land grabbing, the genetically modified crops introduction, the extractivism, geoengineering and other false technological solutions, as well as the TTIP agreements, the imposition of huge and useless infrastructure to the people and the increasing multinationals impunity are aggravating the situation for humanity and biosphere.
The capitalist politics and impositions are taken us to the collapse. The nightmare becomes real: climate change acceleration, depletion of natural resources, impossible-to-live cities, air, soil and ocean pollution…The collapse arrives together with the fall of the little social achievements we had and the commodification of ecosystems and people.
Capitalism, in all its craziness for profits and endless growth, is taken humanity to the ecocide. It’s stealing us the present and preventing us to ensure forthcoming generations a future worth living.
We, Spanish and Swiss activists from different social movements, would like to invite you to the Second International Meetings that will take place in Madrid from the 26th to the 28th of June, 2015, meetings that follow up the ones celebrated at Geneva on January 2014. We kindly invite you to sign this international call –either individually or on behalf of your organizations-. We would encourage you also to spread the word and participate actively in the debates.
For a start, we propose that at least the next topics are discussed:
Climate change and social justice.
Production model, Energy and employment.
The impact of TTIP agreements on people and environment.
Energy transition within a post-capitalism society.
Ecofeminism as a key approach for ecosocialism.
“Fight cases” in our days.
Besides, we want to host a workshop on 15M movement and other alternatives policies in the Spanish State.
We see the importance of coordinating efforts and mobilizations, to build bridges between those who believe that a radical transformation of society is required. For instance, we would love to coordinate the mobilization planned in Paris for the next COOP 21, December 2015.
For this ecologist and anti-capitalist project, we welcome to everyone who believe in ecofeminism, social ecology, from ecological organizations to labor unions. These meetings are the place to solidarity and discussion, a fight for our future but also a dancing floor full of fiesta!
Nos vemos en Madrid
First signatures:
Yayo Herrero (Ecologistas en Acción, Estado español)•Manuel Garí (Fundación Viento Sur, Estado español)•José Errejón (Estado español)•Mari Carmen García Bueno (Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores, Estado español)•Jorge Riechmann (Podemos, Estado español)•Joaquin Vega Padial (Estado español)•Francisco Martínez Martín (Estado español)•Tom Kurcharz (Ecologistas en Acción, Estado español)•Diana Delgado (solidaritéS, Suiza)•Olivier Demarcellus (Suiza)•Javier Aguayo (solidaritéS, Suiza)•Jan Tortosa (solidarités, Suiza)•Toni García (Podemos, Estado español)•Christine Poupin (NPA, Francia)•Anna Spillmann (MMF, Suiza)•Pierre Dekkers (Semage et )r)éveil à l’Amour)•Christian Sunt (Mouvement des Objecteurs de Croissance, Francia)•Matthieu Le Quang (Foro de los Comunes, Ecuador)•Claude Desimoni (CSSR, Suiza)•David Fernández Sánchez (Izquierda Unida, Estado español)•Sébastien Bertrand (Groupe écosocialiste de solidaritéS, Suiza)•Pablo Bergel (Diputado Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Bloque VerdeAlSur, Argentina)•Luis Álvarez-Ude Cotera (España)•Daniel Fernández Galván (Rincones del Atlántico, Estado español)•Michel Lepesant (MOC, Francia)•Manuel Ludueña (Buenos Aires Sostenible, Argentina)•Daniel Mathews Carmelino (Las Zonas, Perú)•Iñigo Antepara (ESK Sindikatua, Euskal Herria)•Totsikas Panos (Comite de lutte-Parc Metropolitain a Elliniko, Grecia)•Mikel Casado (Hitz & Hitz y Comision ecosocialista Bilbao, Estaod español)•Fernando Prats (España)•Jaime Pastor (Anticapitalistas, España)•Gay Vincent (Ensemble, Francia)•Carenzo Philippe (Ensemble, Francia)•Pilar Vega Pindado (España)•Florent Marcellesi (Equo, Estado español)•Xabier Barber del Río (ESK, Euskal Herria)•Süri Daniel (solidaritéS, Suiza)•Sébastien Guex (solidaritéS, Suiza)•Pascoe Sabido (Bélgica)•José Bellver Soroa (Fuhem, Estado español)•Nicolas Sersiron (CATDM, Francia)•Mirjam Brunner (solidaritéS, Suiza)•Daniel Kunzi (solidaritéS, Suiza)•María Elena Saludas (ATTAC y CATDN-AYNA, Argentina)•Isabel Castro (ESK, Euskal Herria)•Igor Mera (ESK, Euskal Herria )•Marcel Giraldo (Estado español)•Miguel Urbán (Eurodiputado Podemos, Estado español)•Jérémie Cravatte (CADTM, Bélgica)•Enrique Viale (Asociación Argentina de Abogados Ambientalistas, Argentina)•Arlindo M. Esteves Rodrigures (PSOL, Brasil)•Michael Lowy (Reseau Ecosocialiste international, Francia)•Leo Tubbax (Nucléaire Stop Kernenergie, Bélgica)•Daniel Tanuro (LCR-SAP, Bélgica)•Jette Kromann Lisager (SAP, Dinamarca)•Giovanni Peta (Communia, Italia)•Corinne Morel Darleux (Parti de Gauche, Francia)•Mathieu Agostini (Parti de Gauche, Francia)•Christophe Aguiton (Francia)• Michel Husson (Francia)•Nicolas Haeringer (Francia)•Joseba Permach (EH Bildu, Euskal Herria) •Jone Etxebarria (EH Bildu, Euskal Herria)•Andoni Rojo (EH Bildu, Euskal Herria)